
1. 常用类:Fit,good looking, attractive,
2. 短语类:Easy on the eye
3. 口语类:dish (dishy),stud
我在某个脱口秀中听到了dish这个词(he’s a dish),问了问身边的老外,他们说这个没问题,就是有点过时。
Stud是个英国英语词,它的本意为种马……也许老外有“这小伙子真壮实”的含义在内?我曾看过一个问题,“What is the difference between stud, handsome and dude guy?”
答:Stud- A stud is a male animal whose function is to reproduce with females of his species to produce pets or livestock.
Handsome- A guy you wanna f**k then take home to mom and dad bc this is the one man who wont make your father shake his head at your life choices.
Dude- They works as supporting staff. They get friendzone every time.