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  1. Chair (椅子)

  This chair is very comfortable. (这把椅子非常舒适。)

  2. Table (桌子)

  The table is made of wood. (这张桌子是木头做的。)

  3. Bed (床)

  I sleep on the bed every night. (我每晚睡在床上。)

  4. Cup (杯子)

  She filled the cup with water. (她把杯子装满了水。)

  5. Plate (盘子)

  There are some fruits on the plate. (盘子里有一些水果。)

  6. Knife (刀)

  Be careful with the knife. (小心这把刀。)

  7. Fork (叉子)

  Use the fork to eat the pasta. (用叉子吃意大利面。)

  8. Spoon (勺子)

  Pass me a spoon, please. (请递给我一把勺子。)

  9. Bowl (碗)

  The bowl is empty. (这个碗是空的。)

  10. Refrigerator (冰箱)

  The food is stored in the refrigerator. (食物储存在冰箱里。)

  11. Stove (炉灶)

  She is cooking on the stove. (她正在炉灶上做饭。)

  12. Oven (烤箱)

  I baked a cake in the oven. (我在烤箱里烤了一个蛋糕。)

  13. Microwave (微波炉)

  You can heat the food in the microwave. (你可以在微波炉里加热食物。)

  14. Television (电视)

  We watch TV on the television. (我们在这台电视上看电视。)

  15. Computer (电脑)

  I use the computer to work. (我用电脑工作。)

  16. Mobile phone (手机)

  He is playing games on his mobile phone. (他正在他的手机上玩游戏。)

  17. Lamp (灯)

  The lamp on the desk is very bright. (桌子上的灯很亮。)

  18. Mirror (镜子)

  Look at yourself in the mirror. (在镜子里看看你自己。)

  19. Comb (梳子)

  She combs her hair with a comb. (她用梳子梳头。)

  20. Brush (刷子)

  Use the brush to clean the shoes. (用刷子清洁鞋子。)

  21. Toothbrush (牙刷)

  Change your toothbrush regularly. (定期更换你的牙刷。)

  22. Toothpaste (牙膏)

  I need to buy some toothpaste. (我需要买一些牙膏。)

  23. Soap (肥皂)

  Wash your hands with soap. (用肥皂洗手。)

  24. Towel (毛巾)

  Dry your face with a towel. (用毛巾擦干你的脸。)

  25. Shower (淋浴)

  I take a shower every morning. (我每天早上淋浴。)

  26. Bathtub (浴缸)

  She likes to soak in the bathtub. (她喜欢在浴缸里泡澡。)

  27. Toilet (厕所)

  The toilet is dirty. (厕所脏了。)

  28. Sink (水槽)

  Wash the dishes in the sink. (在水槽里洗碗。)

  29. Pillow (枕头)

  The pillow is too soft. (这个枕头太软了。)

  30. Blanket (毯子)

  Cover yourself with the blanket. (用毯子把自己盖上。)

  31. Curtain (窗帘)

  The curtain is blue. (窗帘是蓝色的。)

  32. Carpet (地毯)

  The carpet is very thick. (这块地毯很厚。)

  33. Sofa (沙发)

  He is sitting on the sofa. (他正坐在沙发上。)

  34. Bookcase (书架)

  There are many books on the bookcase. (书架上有很多书。)

  35. Desk (书桌)

  I study at the desk. (我在书桌前学习。)

  36. Chair (椅子)

  This chair is broken. (这把椅子坏了。)

  37. Pen (钢笔)

  I write with a pen. (我用钢笔写字。)

  38. Pencil (铅笔)

  Do you have a pencil? (你有铅笔吗?)

  39. Eraser (橡皮)

  I need an eraser to correct my mistakes. (我需要一块橡皮来改正我的错误。)

  40. Notebook (笔记本)

  Take notes in the notebook. (在笔记本上做笔记。)

  41. Textbook (课本)

  Open your textbook to page 20. (把你的课本翻到第 20 页。)

  42. Bag (包)

  She carries a bag. (她背着一个包。)

  43. Wallet (钱包)

  My wallet is in my pocket. (我的钱包在我的口袋里。)

  44. Key (钥匙)

  I lost my keys. (我丢了钥匙。)

  45. Lock (锁)

  The lock is broken. (这把锁坏了。)

  46. Umbrella (雨伞)

  Take an umbrella with you. It might rain. (带把伞。可能会下雨。)

  47. Hat (帽子)

  The hat looks nice on you. (这顶帽子戴在你头上很好看。)

  48. Scarf (围巾)

  She wears a scarf in winter. (她冬天戴围巾。)

  49. Coat (外套)

  Put on your coat. Its cold outside. (穿上你的外套。外面很冷。)

  50. Shirt (衬衫)

  He is wearing a white shirt. (他穿着一件白色衬衫。)

  51. Dress (连衣裙)

  She bought a beautiful dress. (她买了一条漂亮的连衣裙。)

  52. Skirt (裙子)

  This skirt is too short. (这条裙子太短了。)

  53. Trousers (裤子)

  The trousers are too big for me. (这条裤子对我来说太大了。)

  54. Socks (袜子)

  My socks are dirty. (我的袜子脏了。)

  55. Shoes (鞋子)

  I need to buy new shoes. (我需要买新鞋。)

  56. Tie (领带)

  He wears a tie to work. (他上班戴领带。)

  57. Belt (腰带)

  His belt is black. (他的腰带是黑色的。)

  58. Watch (手表)

  I checked the time on my watch. (我看了手表上的时间。)

  59. Clock (时钟)

  The clock on the wall is broken. (墙上的钟坏了。)

  60. Camera (相机)

  I took many pictures with the camera. (我用相机拍了很多照片。)

  61. Bicycle (自行车)

  I ride a bicycle to school. (我骑自行车上学。)

  62. Car (汽车)

  He has a new car. (他有一辆新车。)

  63. Motorcycle (摩托车)

  The motorcycle is very fast. (这辆摩托车很快。)

  64. Bus (公共汽车)

  I take the bus to work. (我乘公共汽车上班。)

  65. Train (火车)

  The train is late. (火车晚点了。)

  66. Airplane (飞机)

  We will take an airplane to travel. (我们将乘飞机旅行。)

  67. Boat (船)

  They go fishing by boat. (他们乘船去钓鱼。)

  68. Umbrella (雨伞)

  Dont forget to bring your umbrella. (别忘了带你的雨伞。)

  69. Sunglasses (太阳镜)

  She wears sunglasses to protect her eyes. (她戴太阳镜保护眼睛。)

  70. Handbag (手提包)

  The handbag is very fashionable. (这个手提包很时尚。)

  71. Backpack (背包)

  He carries a backpack to school. (他背着一个背包上学。)

  72. Luggage (行李)

  I have a lot of luggage. (我有很多行李。)

  73. Mattress (床垫)

  The mattress is too hard. (床垫太硬了。)

  74. Quilt (被子)

  The quilt is very warm. (这床被子很暖和。)

  75. Pillowcase (枕套)

  Change the pillowcase regularly. (定期更换枕套。)

  76. Basket (篮子)

  Put the fruits in the basket. (把水果放在篮子里。)

  77. Bucket (桶)

  Fill the bucket with water. (把桶装满水。)

  78. Dustbin (垃圾桶)

  Throw the garbage in the dustbin. (把垃圾扔进垃圾桶。)

  79. Kettle (水壶)

  The kettle is boiling. (水壶在沸腾。)

  80. Teapot (茶壶)

  Pour the tea from the teapot. (从茶壶里倒茶。)

  81. Cupboard (橱柜)

  The cups are in the cupboard. (杯子在橱柜里。)

  82. Drawer (抽屉)

  Open the drawer and find the pen. (打开抽屉找钢笔。)

  83. Stool (凳子)

  There is a stool in the corner. (角落里有一个凳子。)

  84. Ladder (梯子)

  He climbed up the ladder. (他爬上了梯子。)

  85. Rope (绳子)

  Tie the package with a rope. (用绳子捆包裹。)

  86. Hammer (锤子)

  He used a hammer to fix the nail. (他用锤子钉钉子。)

  87. Screwdriver (螺丝刀)

  Pass me the screwdriver, please. (请递给我螺丝刀。)

  88. Saw (锯子)

  The saw is very sharp. (这把锯子很锋利。)

  89. Paintbrush (画笔)

  She paints with a paintbrush. (她用画笔画画。)

  90. Canvas (画布)

  The artist paints on the canvas. (艺术家在画布上作画。)

  91. Calculator (计算器)

  Use the calculator to do the math. (用计算器做数学题。)

  92. Compass (指南针)

  The compass helps us find the direction. (指南针帮助我们找到方向。)

  93. Magnifying glass (放大镜)

  Look through the magnifying glass. (通过放大镜看。)

  94. Thermometer (温度计)

  Check the temperature with the thermometer. (用温度计测量温度。)

  95. Scale (秤)

  Weigh the fruit on the scale. (在秤上称水果。)

  96. Binoculars (望远镜)

  Look at the stars through binoculars. (通过望远镜看星星。)

  97. Flashlight (手电筒)

  The flashlight is out of battery. (手电筒没电了。)

  98. Battery (电池)

  I need to buy some batteries. (我需要买一些电池。)

  99. Bulb (灯泡)

  The bulb in the lamp is broken. (灯里的灯泡坏了。)

  100. Plug (插头)

  Insert the plug into the socket. (把插头插入插座。)

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