Anne: Who?
Anne: 谁是Anne?
Annie: Overly attached girlfriend.
Annie: 过分黏人的女友。
Allison: Still thinks the Blair Waldorf headband thing is cool.
Allison:依旧认为Blair Waldorf的头饰这类东西很酷。
Allie: Drunk right now.
Allie: 这会正醉着呢。
Ashley: Crying while looking at herself in the mirror right now.
Ashley: 现在正看着镜子中的自己哭。
Alex: Has a naturally loud voice.
Alex: 天生的大嗓门。
Audrey: She started going clubbing when she was 14 and you’re scared shitless of her because of it.
Audrey: 14岁的时候开始逛夜店,你因此而对她怕得要死。
Adrienne: Always hanging out with boys and says she “doesn’t get girls.”
Adrienne: 总是跟男孩子混在一起,称自己“撩不到妹子”。
Alyssa: Lays her poetry books out around her apartment, hoping someone will read them and then try to discuss it with her, only for Alyssa to feign shock and embarrassment that her poetry has been discovered. It’s never happened. Her poetry isn’t great.
Alyssa: 在公寓里到处摆出她的诗集,希望有人能拿起品读并随后与她探讨。在诗集被人看到后,她就可以假装吃惊和尴尬。但这从未发生过。她的诗并不咋地。
Amy: 100% going to get catfished.
Amy: 100%会被社交网站上使用假身份的人蒙骗。
Beth: Vegan. Ugh.
Beth: 严格的食素主义者。呸。
Becky: Everything is always going wrong for her.
Becky: 她的生活里诸事不顺。
Bridget: Draaaaaws out her wooooords when she speeeeeeaks. Also talks like she’s always asking questions?
Bridget: 说话的时候总是拉长音,说话的时候也总像在问问题。
Brittany: Does that thing where she screenshots her hot Snapchats and then posts them on Facebook.
Brittany: 干过截屏自己在快拍上的露骨照片在发到Facebook上这种事
Christy: Perpetually single because boys are scared of her.
Christy: 注定孤独一生,因为男人们都怕她。
Charlotte: Stole your boyfriend, doesn’t care.
Charlotte: 撬走你的男票,还满不在乎。
Caroline: Acts like she doesn’t have her shit together, definitely has her shit together.
Caroline: 表现的还没有振作起来,实际她已经振作起来了
Cara: The worst temper of all time. Has (and will) throw beer bottles if nobody is listening to her.
Cara: 有史上最烂的脾气。如果不听她讲话的话,她会扔瓶子的。
Chrissy: Loves her furs, is PETA’s worst nightmare.
Chrissy: 她喜好皮草,是“善待动物组织”的头号噩梦。
Colleen: Owns that giant, professional Nikon camera and takes the shittiest photos with it.
Colleen: 拥有巨型专业尼康相机,并用它拍一些烂到家的照片。
Courtney: Evil.
Courtney: 女魔头
Claire: Never paid for anything in her entire life. Not even her boobs.
Claire: 这辈子从没花付一分钱,即使是她的咪咪。
Caitlyn: Will go out of her way to make sure you’re feeling alright at parties.
Caitlyn: 会竭尽全力确保你在聚会上感觉良好
Diana: Constantly talks about how empowering pole dancing is for women.
Diana: 总是在说跳钢管舞对于女人而言是多么能激发活力
Erin: Just wants everyone to know she has a great personality.
Erin: 想让每个人人知道她这个人的个性很好
Emily: The girl version of “Ben.”
Emily: “Ben”的女版名字
Erica: Very respectable, really normal. Will become the kindergarten teacher all dads fall in love with.
Erica: 非常值得尊重,很正直。将来会成为被所有父亲爱上的幼儿园老师
Erika: Emotionally unstable. Will take her shirt off at parties.
Erika: 情绪不稳定。会在聚会上脱掉衬衫
Emma: Her dad got her that internship.
Emma: 她老爸给她搞到的实习职位
Grace: Considered her sixteenth birthday to be the most important event of her existence.
Grace: 认为这辈子最重要的事情是她16岁的生日
Gabby: Talks a lot about her feelings on the internet.
Gabby: 在网络上说很多自己的感受。
Hannah: Always the tall girl.
Heather: Currently dating the wrong guy.
Holly: Taught you how to sext. Out of your league.
Holly: 教你如何“色聊”。但你撩不到她
Hayley: ~*~Just one of the guys~*~. Drinks like she is sponsored by Bud Light.
Jessie: Always wanting to fight someone.
Jessie: 不停地想找人干仗
Jessica: Horse girl.
Jessica: 爱马如命的女孩
Jill: Everyone’s down with Jill.
Jill: 跟她在一起的人都会被拿下
Julia: Always says she’s busy “writing music.”
Julia: 总是说她在忙着写歌
Jane: Wants to start a comedy podcast, is not funny.
Jane: 想创建一个喜剧广播节目,她不是搞笑的人
Jennifer: Trying to bring down the patriarchy by bringing it up on every first date.
Jennifer: 尝试推倒大男子主义,于是在每个初次约会时她都会提出来
Jenny: The one nice girl in the mean girl friend group.
Jenny: 刻薄女孩圈子里的一个好女孩
Kristen: Gets along really well with your parents. Puts “knee sock aficionado” in her social media bios.
Kristen: 跟你的父母相处的很好。在社交媒体自我简介中添加“半筒袜迷”标签
Kelly: Recovering Catholic.
Kelly: 洗心革面的天主教徒
Kate: Knows how to work her mugshots.
Kate: 会用美颜修脸
Kathy: Had braces for what felt like 20 years.
Kathy: 戴牙箍感觉有20年了
Kim: Married her high school sweetheart.
Kim: 跟高中时的心上人结婚了
Katie: She’s the girl who, when you’re talking about her to someone else, you feel the need to be like, “Yeah, Katie, you know, Jenny’s friend? Blonde hair?” because nobody really remembers who she is.
Katie: 她是那种当你跟别人谈论她的时候,需要提别人的名字才能让人联想到的女孩,因为没人确切知道这个人
Liz: Unapologetically basic. Will Instagram her Starbucks drink and does not give a fuck. Flips her hair a lot.
Liz: 无可辩解的初级。会在Instagram上发她点的星巴克饮品并且毫不关心。经常撩头发。
Lindsay: Probably hot and blonde. Would win The Bachelor.
Lindsay: 可能是性感的金发美女。会在“The Bachelor”节目中胜出
Lindsey: When she bumps into you after not seeing you since middle school, she honestly answers you when you ask “How are you?” It’s never just “I’m good, how are you?” it’s always like “My boyfriend just broke out of rehab.”
Lindsey: 自从中学时不小心撞到你,当你问她还好吗的时候,她诚实的回答你。从来不会简单地说“我很好,你怎么样?”而是总会说些“我男朋友刚从戒毒所跑出来”之类的
Lily: Has a nail art Instagram.
Lily: Instagram上有她一个美甲图库
Lucy: Bought a pipe on her senior spring break trip to Atlantis and says she’s now a pothead. Smoked once, hated it.
Lucy: 在大四春假去亚特兰蒂斯时买了一个大麻烟管儿,说自己现在是个瘾君子。吸过一次,但不喜欢。
Lauren: Has a hotter sister.
Lauren: 她妹妹比她更性感
Maddie: Thought she was going to get recruited for playing a bougie sport (lacrosse, rowing, field hockey), but she wasn’t.
Maddie: 认为自己玩上层人士玩的运动(长曲棍球,划船、曲棍球)就会融入上层,但她没有
Maddy: Can probably name all the capitals in the United States if you asked her to.
Maddy: 如果你问了,她可能会说出美国所有州的首府名字
Monica: Type-A to a horrifying degree.
Monica: A型人,A到惊世骇俗
Morgan: Feels really comfortable getting naked in front of her roommates.
Morgan: 在室友面前裸体感觉棒极了
Marissa: Loooooooooooves love.
Marissa: 好爱你哟!
Margot: Low key wants that Pinterest wedding.
Margot: 低调地期望一个Pinterest婚礼
Madison: Not hot enough to be as much of a bitch as she is.
Madison: 作为一个bitch,她还不够热辣性感
Madeline: Her parents try really, really hard to be cool parents.
Madeline: 他的老爸老妈很非常非常尽力的要成为很酷的父母
Maggie: Has read receipts on, still claims she never got your text.
Maggie: 这边开着已读提醒,她仍然硬着头皮说没收到你的信息
Megan: You forgot she’s in your group text because she never responds.
Megan: 你都忘了她在你的群发列表里,因为她从不回复
Molly: Your boss’s girlfriend.
Molly: 你老板的女票
Mary: Always throws up in the bathtub at parties.
Michelle: You can find her at the grossest, dingiest dive bars in the area. Always befriends the bartender.
Michelle: 在当地最脏乱差的破旧吧里有她的身影。跟酒保混成朋友了
Natalie: Great hair, bad influence.
Natalie: 发型很赞,印象很菜。
Nicole: Never went through an awkward phase and you don’t trust her because of it.
Nicole: 从来没有经历过尴尬期,你因此会不信任她
Olivia: Very chill. Boys love her. You want to hate her, but you can’t.
Olivia: 很高冷。男孩们都喜欢她。你也许想讨厌她,但做不到
Rebecca: Dyed her hair blonde in college and then got hot.
Rebecca: 在大学里染成了金发,立马性感起来
Sarah: Will never let you forget she went to an Ivy League.
Sarah: 会不断告诉你她上过常春藤联盟学校
Sam: Grew up refusing to wear a dress because she was such a dedicated tomboy. Still likes Avril Lavigne.
Sam: 从小到大拒绝穿女装,因为她是个十足的“假小子”。依旧喜欢歌手艾薇儿
Samantha: Nobody ever wants to leave her alone with their boyfriends.
Samantha: 没人乐意让自己的男票跟她单独相处
Stephanie: Peaked in high school.
Stephanie: 人生在中学时期全盛
Stacy: Resents that her mom has got it goin’ on.
Stacy: 对男票爱上她老妈这事感到愤恨(典故源自电影“Stacys Mom”)
Sara: Insane. Went to Burning Man. Doesn’t have that “h” at the end of her name to hold her down.
Sara: 疯狂人。去参加过Burning Man狂欢节。名字末尾少了个能hold住她的字母h.
Tara: Wore too much eyeliner in middle school. Shopped at Hot Topic.
Tara: 中学时期眼线画的太多。在Hot Topic店购物
Tiffany: The prettiest girl in 7th grade. You’ve never trusted her.
Tiffany: 7年级最漂亮的女孩。你从来没信任过她
Taylor: Says she loves to party, leaves the party before midnight.
Taylor: 说自己喜欢聚会,却会在午夜之前就开溜
Victoria: On the dance team in high school, hasn’t stopped talking about it. Will spit on you if you call her “Vicky.”
Victoria: 时刻都在说她在高中舞蹈队待过。如果你叫她Vicky,她会吐你口水的
Zoey: Manic Pixie Dream Girl.
Zoey: 男人的梦中情人
Adam: He’s that guy who comments in public Facebook event pages why he can’t attend. Adam, nobody in “The Chainsmoker’s: Metro Nashville Area” cares that you’re bummed you can’t go because you’ll be visiting family in Seattle that weekend.
Aaron: Uses Magnum condoms, doesn’t have to.
Aaron: 用大号的套套(虽然没有必要)。
Austin: Works at Equinox, didn’t actually *officially* graduate from USC (one unit short). Every profile picture he has on Facebook is with girls.
Alex: Will sing for a girl on the first date.
Alex: 第一次约会时会为女孩唱歌
Alexander: Has been doodling anime on random pieces of paper since he was in 5th grade.
Alexander: 从5年级开始,养成了在随手拿到的纸上涂鸦日漫的习惯
Alec: He invites you to his DJ gigs all the time.
Alec: 不停地邀请你去他的DJ演出
Alan: Always sounds like he’s talking through his nose.
Andrew: The guy you fall in love with. Wears a lot of flannel.
Brian: Super picky eater. His girlfriend will always end up financially supporting him.
Brian: 对吃超级挑剔。做他的女票最终总是得花钱养他。
Bryan: Totally different from Brian. Wears a lot of Hawaiian shirts.
Bryan: 与Brian完全不同。爱穿夏威夷衬衫。
Blake: Will literally do anything to make people laugh at parties. Once licked a banana slug on a dare.
Blake: 在聚会上会不择手段的让大伙笑。曾经在一个大冒险挑战中舔过香蕉鼻涕虫
Beau: Total goofball.
Beau: 十足的傻瓜
Ben: You can’t say anything bad about him, but at the same time…You can’t really find anything great to say about him either?
Ben: 说不出他有任何不好的地方,但同时你也实在找不出他有什么可以夸赞的
Billy: Peaked when he was 14, still acts like he is 14.
Billy: 14岁的时候最棒,至今的行为做派就像他还是14岁一样
Brady: Great Instagram aesthetic. Lots of pictures of him on a boat.
Brady: Instagram美学大咖。船上有很多他的照片
Brenden: Wrote you a song about how he loves you.
Brenden: 给你写一首歌,告诉你他有多爱你
Chad: Evil.
Chad: 大魔头
Chase: Joined, like, a super niche indie band and plays the bagpipes and some other instrument nobody has ever heard of. Lives in Europe now because “Europeans appreciate the arts.” Whatever, Chase.
Colin: Lives in Patagonia fleeces, no matter what temperature it is outside.
Connor: Perpetually heartbroken.
Cam: Always texts you about wanting to drop acid on a weekday.
Cam: 总是在工作日发短信给你说想嗑药
Cameron: Puts “Feminist” in his dating app profiles so he can get laid.
Cameron: 在他的约会应用的个人资料中写上“男女平等主义者”,以便能约到炮
Chaz: Always trying to bring “Chaz” back.
Chaz: 总想换掉这个名字
Chris: Your boss.
Chris: 你的老板。
Dillon: Thinks he’s a lot hotter than he actually is. Never successfully uses “there/their/they’re” correctly.
Dillon: 认为自己比实际上更帅。从来没用对“there、their和they’re”
Dylan: Parents are stoners.
Dylan: 父母是吸大麻的
Dave: A “you don’t seeing it coming” fuck boy.
Dave: 一个风流成性,始乱终弃的浪子
Daniel: Somehow always playing an acoustic guitar.
Daniel: 不知咋的总是在弹奏一把木吉他
Dan: Hot. Can cook.
Dan: 性感。会做饭
Derek: Still in his skateboarding phase.
Derek: 还处于玩滑板的阶段
Dick: Lives up to his name.
Dick: 人如其名。
Eric: Always wants to take you on a hike. Loves to bring his golden retriever who is “great off leash.”
Eric: 总想带你去徒步旅行。喜欢带着他的解开“狗带”时很棒的金毛猎犬。
Ethan: Will wear a backwards hat until he is 45.
Ethan: 帽子倒着戴,直到45岁。
Erik: Constantly telling you it’s “Erik with a K.” Thinks he’s the most unique person in the world. Always in a beanie.
Erik: 经常告诉你他的名字末尾字母是个K。觉得自己是世界上最独特的人。总是戴小便帽。
Garrett: Wears glasses, doesn’t need them.
Garrett: 戴眼镜,但并不是因为需要
Greg: That guy who shows up uninvited to things. The target to be roasted in all group texts. Handles it like a champ
Ian: Plays World of Warcraft and drinks Monster energy drinks. Still.
Jack: Republican.
John: Got straight-As in high school and then started drinking in college. Hasn’t stopped drinking since.
Josh: You probably met him at a music festival. He will use any opportunity given to take his shirt off. He owns and wears colored, plastic wayfarer
Josh: 你可能会在音乐节上遇见他。他会抓住一切机会脱掉衬衫。他戴塑料材质的wayfarer彩色眼镜
Jeremy: Only owns sleeveless shirts.
Jeremy: 只穿无袖衬衫
Jared: Loves vodka Red Bulls a little too much.
Jim: Peaked playing intramural frisbee in college.
Jim: 大学时是玩校内飞盘的顶尖高手
James: Either is British or wants to be British.
James: 或者是英国人,或者是想成为英国人
Jesse: He loves the Fast and Furious franchise.
Jesse: 他喜欢《速度与激情》的特权
Jeffrey: Reeeeeally loves his Mom.
Jeffrey: 非常爱他的妈咪
Jason: Wants to date you, but you don’t want to date him.
Jason: 他想约你,但你不想约他
Jacob: Currently talking about how much he loves San Francisco.
Jacob: 现在正在谈论他有多么的热爱旧金山
Jake: Instantly tells you you’re splitting the check at dinner.
Jake: 第一时间跟你说你们吃饭时要分开付费
Kurt: You’re friends with him because he has a car and never seems to be doing anything so he always will give you a ride.
Kyle: Wears white mid-calf socks, no matter the occasion.
Kyle: 任何场合下都穿白色的半腿袜子。
Kevin: Settles down really fast, is the first of his friends to be a father.
Kevin: 很快的成家立业,是朋友中间第一个做爸爸的。
Martin: Is uncomfortable not wearing some kind of argyle print somewhere on his person.
Michael: Peaked in high school, officially the worst now.
Michael: 高中时期是人生巅峰,现在明摆着是最糟糕的
Mike: Will shame you for getting too drunk.
Matthew: Always threatens to “write about you” in his future book.
Matthew: 总是威胁说要在他未来的书中写写你
Matt: Hits on girls who are way out of his league.
Matt: 撩自己根本配不上的妹子
Mark: Accidentally snuck into a really cool group of friends. Nobody knows how
Mark: 意外地混进了一群相当酷的朋友中间。没人知道他是怎么做到的
Nathan: Does improv.
Nick: Constantly refers to himself as a “legend,” rarely does anything that qualifies as legendary.
Nick: 经常说自己是个传奇。从未做过意一件能证明他的传奇的事情
Phillip: Literally always at GameStop.
Paul: Has a 401k straight out of college. Has a Bible verse tattooed somewhere.
Peter: Refers to sex as “making love.”
Peter: 把XXOO称为“做爱”
Patrick: Likes every post you put on your social media.
Patrick: 给你发到社交媒体上的每一条动态点“赞”。
Ryan: Never texts you back because he’s perpetually on some “comedy tour.”
Ross: Not conventionally attractive, but super fucking funny.
Rob: …
Rob: 此处省略一万字
Reid: Named his bong Mike Wazowski.
Reid: 给他的烟斗起名叫Mike大眼仔
Spencer: Went surfing once, puts the surfer guy emoji next to his name when he puts his name into your phone.
Sam: Constantly telling people that he’s a really good guy. He’s pretty mediocre.
Sam: 不断告诉人们他是个很棒的人,但其实他很普通
Stewart: Wears a lot of sweater vests.
Stewart: 经常穿毛背心
Steve: Super into climbing. Just a touch granola, but it would takegetting to know him really well to figure that out.
Steve: 超喜欢爬山。他只是一个初级户外爱好者,但这一点在深入了解他之后才能明白
Stephen: Went to Duke, won’t shut up about it.
Stephen: 上了Duke大学,不停地老提这茬儿
Steven: Cannot help himself and needs to argue with people in the comments section of things.
Steven: 控制不住自己,在评论事物时喜欢与人争论。
Todd: Wears loafers. Knows specifically what Ralph Lauren line looks best on him.
Todd: 穿懒人鞋。对Ralph Lauren品牌穿搭有特殊的认识。
Tom: Gets, like, personally offended when people cheat or play even the simplest games “the wrong way.” Used to cry when his middle school basketball team lost.
Travis: Has a butt chin.
Travis: 长着一个双瓣的下巴
Trevor: Has an Apple Watch.
Trevor: 拥有一个苹果手表
Tucker: Shaves his head whenever his sports team wins anything.
Tucker: 当他的运动队赢了不论什么,都要剃头
Will: From the Northeast, played lacrosse in high school and thought he would be recruited, but wasn’t. Always slightly shorter than you want him to be.
Will: 来自东北部,高中玩长曲棍球,以为自己能入选,但实际并没成功。总是比你预想的身高矮一些
Zachary: Big fan of Family Guy.
Zachary: 《恶搞之家》的忠实粉丝
Zack: Raised in a super nice upper-middle class suburb and got two girls (who were friends) pregnant.
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