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  flee [fli?] (fled, fled) v. 逃走;逃跑

  free [fri?] a. 自由,空闲的;免费的


  【真句】Embarrassed, as usual, I fled the scene.【2020天津】一如往常一样尴尬,我逃离现场。

  【真句】Fruit juices, milk-based drinks and most alcoholic drinks are free of the tax, as are small companies manufacturing fewer than 1m litres per year. 【2022年6月全国乙卷】果汁、牛奶饮料和大多数酒精饮料都是免税的,每年生产不到100万升的小公司也是如此。

  【拓展】freedom [?fri?d?m] n. 自由

  【真句】...and yet a coworking space or a coffee shop provides a certain level of noise while also providing freedom from interruptions.【2021年6月全国乙卷】事实上,研究人员发现,面对面的互动和对话会影响创作过程,而联合办公空间或咖啡店带来了一定程度的噪音,同时也提供了免受干扰的自由。

  freeway [?fri?we?] n. 高速公路

  founder [‘faund?] n.创始人,奠基人

  【助记】founder是“方正”集团的商标,作为中国起步较早的几家IT企业之一,founder(方正)是中国IT业的奠基人之一 → founder(奠基人,创始人)

  【真句】The tiny shops made economic sense, according to Robert Kerr, a founder of LoveFone. 【2020江苏】 据Love Fone的创始人Robert Kerr说,这些小商店有经济意义。

  face [fe?s] n. 脸 vt. 面临,面对

  【真句】ndeed, the researchers found that face-to-face interactions and conversations affect the creative process...【2021年6月全国乙卷】事实上,研究人员发现,面对面的互动和对话会影响创作过程...

  【真句】You should gather your courage to face the challenge.【2015上海】你应该鼓起勇气面对挑战。

  短语:be faced with面临,面对

  【真句】When we are faced with a challenge, we usually have two choices.【2012山东完形】当我们面对挑战的时候我们通常有两种选择。

  face up to勇于面对(困难的事实或问题)

  【真句】Facing up to your problem rather than running away from them is the best approach to working things out.【2014浙江】解决事情的最好方法是面对问题而不是逃离问题。

  face to face 面对面

  【真句】Computers and mobile phones, though they are indeed making our life easier and more efficient, have reduced the need for face -to- face communications.【2015江西】电脑和手机尽管使我们的生活更简单更高效,但是它们减少了我们对面对面交流的需求。

  face的形容词形式:facial [?fe???l] adj. 面部的

  facial expression 面部表情

  fact [f?kt] n. 事实,真相

  【真句】But a larger part of my pride was based on the fact that I gave half my wages to my mother, which meant that some of my earnings were used for real things—an insurance-policy payment or what was owed to the milkman or the iceman. 【2019.6上海】但我的自豪感很大一部分是基于这样一个事实:我把一半的工资给了母亲,这意味着我的一些收入被用于支付保险单或欠送奶工或冰柜工的东西。

  【真句】The fact that college students are financially dependent on their parents is nothing new.【2015北京阅读】大学生在经济上依靠父母并不是什么新鲜事。

  短语:in fact 事实上,实际上 = as a matter of fact

  【真句】In fact, it is actually a very big deal! 【2015安徽任务型读写】 事实上,这是一件大事。

  【真句】As a matter of fact, it was most helpful.【2015四川】事实上,它是最有帮助的。

  factor [?f?kt?] n. 因素

  【真句】Being fond of someone seems to have a number of factors.【2015上海阅读】喜欢某个人似乎有很多因素。

  factory [?f?ktri] n. 工厂

  fade [fe?d] vi. (等于fade away)消失;褪色;

  【真句】The engineers are also trying to develop an on and off “switch” where the glow would fade when exposed to daylight.【2020全国1】工程师们还试图开发一种开关,在日光照射下,辉光会消失。

  【真句】There’s nothing sadder than a dream delayed until it fades forever.【2014北京阅读】没有什么东西比梦想延迟知道消失更痛苦了。

  【真句】The faded sign was repainted and in July 1983, hundreds of animal lovers attended the completion ceremony of the new bridge.【2012山东阅读】褪色的指示牌在1983年被重新刷上了漆,上百名喜爱动物人士出席了新桥的竣工仪式

  短语:fade away 消失;褪色(用法等同于fade)

  同义词:disappear v. 消失

  fail [fe?l] v. 失败;不及格,未通过;衰退

  【真句】He refuses to face the fact that he has failed and kills himself in the end.【2015山东阅读】他拒绝面对他已经失败了这一事实并且最后自杀了。

  【真句】25 percent of foreign vehicles entering Britain have failed safety tests.【2014福建阅读】进入英国的25%的交通工具未能通过安全测试。

  Their eyesight is failing due to artificial lighting.【2013天津阅读 】由于人造灯,他们的视力衰弱了。

  短语:fail to do 未能做某事,没有做某事

  【真句】They failed to reach a settlement, because they disagreed too much with each other.【2014陕西】他们没有达成一致,因为他们有太多意见不统一的地方。

  fail in doing 做某事失败了

  When you fail in doing something, you may have a bad mood.【2014江西写作】当你做某事失败了你可能情绪不好。

  fail sb 使某人失望,辜负某人

  They’re only afraid of failing us.【2015 安徽阅读】他们只是害怕辜负我们。

  “让某人失望”: let sb down; disappoint sb


  【真句】Though he acknowledges that engineering works can fail because the person who thought them up or engineered them simply got things wrong, in this book Dr. Petroski widens his view to consider the larger context in which such failures occur. 【2020海南】尽管彼得罗斯基博士承认,工程工作可能会失败,因为构思或设计工程的人只是做错了事情,但在本书中,彼得罗斯基医生拓宽了他的视野,考虑了此类失败发生的更大背景。

  【真句】Failure to understand the customs and manners of other countries will bring difficulty selling their products.【2014陕西阅读】不能理解其它国家的风俗礼仪将给产品的销售带来困难。

  fair [fe?] adj. 公平的,合理的;大的,多的;晴朗的;(皮肤)白皙的 n. 集市,展览会

  【真句】History Fair Competition makes understanding history exciting, engaging, and fun!【2019.6天津】历史博览会竞赛使了解历史变得激动人心、有趣!

  【真句】Go to the village and buy some salt, but pay a fair price for it.【2013广东完形】去村里买点盐,但是盐的价格要合理。

  【真句】A bank is the place where they lend you an umbrella in fair weather and ask for it back when it begins to rain.【2015浙江】银行是一个在晴朗的天气卖伞并且在下雨的时候要求你返还的地方。

  【真句】Though I was absolutely thrilled with the chance, it did not come without its fair share of effort.【2012北京完形】尽管得到这个机会我很激动,但是这个机会的到来时伴随着我的巨大的努力的。

  【真句】People with fair skin are more in danger of skin cancer.【2014 福建阅读】有白皙皮肤的人更有可能患皮肤癌的危险。

  fair的名词形式:fairness [‘fe?nis] n. 公平,公正

  fairly [?fe?l?] adv. 公平地;非常

  【真句】The ground floor of the forest is not all tangled leaves and bushes, like in films, but is actually fairly clear. 【2020海南】森林的底层并非像电影中那样,都是纠结的树叶和灌木,但实际上相当清晰。

  【真句】Horses were fairly useful in Chicago.【2015 湖南阅读】马在芝加哥是非常有用的

  faith [fe?θ] n. 相信,信任;信心;

  【真句】That family restored our faith and trust in people.【2014全国一阅读】那一家人修复了我们对他人的信任。

  【真句】Close the door of fear behind you, and you will open the door of faith open before you. ([]2012湖南 关上身后的恐惧之门,你的信心之门就会在你面前打开。

  faith的形容词形式:faithful adj. 忠诚的;如实的,准确可靠的

  【真句】A writer has to be faithful to his findings.【2013广东阅读】作家必须忠实于他们的发现。

  fall [f??l] vi. 跌倒;落下;下降,减少;n. 跌倒;落下;下降,减少;秋天

  【真句】This means, for example, that a scammed could call you from what looks to be a familiar number and talk to you using a voice that sounds exactly like your bank teller’s, tricking you into “confirming” your address, mother’s name, and card number. 【2019北京卷】这意味着,例如,一个被诈骗者可能会从一个看起来很熟悉的号码给你打电话,并用一种听起来很像你银行出纳员的声音和你说话,诱骗你“确认”你的地址、母亲的名字和卡号。

  【真句】When he was running after his brother, the boy lost his balance and had a bad fall.【2015湖北】


  【真句】It also doesn’t require a new type of technology that people aren’t already familiar with. 【2019全国1.】它也不需要人们还不熟悉的新型技术。

  【真句】The camera would soon fall in value.【2015浙江阅读】照相机的价格很快会下降。照相机的价值很快会下降。

  【真句】A study reported last fall suggests that having a pet dog not only raises your spirits but may also have an effect on your eating habits.【2015全国一】去年秋天的一个研究表明:宠物狗不仅可以振奋你的情绪还会对你的饮食习惯产生影响。

  false [f??ls] adj. 假的;错的

  【真句】There have always been a lot of commonly believed but false ideas about being fat and doing exercise.【2014重庆阅读】关于肥胖和锻炼,总有一些人们普遍相信但却是错误的

  【真句】He was wearing a false beard.【2015辽宁完形】他当时戴着假胡子。

  familiar [f??m?l??] adj. 熟悉的

  【真句】Today, they are once again a familiar sight, playing roles that are often just as important for the community as their original purpose.【2020江苏】今天,它们再次成为人们熟悉的景象,扮演着与它们最初的目的一样重要的角色。

  be familiar with 对……熟悉

  【真句】She isn’t familiar with the Internet.【2015湖北】她对互联网并不熟悉。

  be familiar to 为……熟悉

  【真句】At the turn of the century, China was not really familiar to the average Indian.【2014辽宁阅读】在世纪之交,中国并不为普通的印度人所熟知

  familiar的名词形式:familiarity 熟悉

  family [?f?m?l?] n. 家庭;家人

  【真句】That willpower bore fruit when Jennifer graduated from University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire and became the first in her large family to earn a bachelor’s degree.【2020年新高考全国Ⅰ卷(山东卷)】当詹妮弗从威斯康辛大学奥克莱尔分校毕业,成为她大家庭中第一个获得学士学位时,她的意志力终于有了成效。

  famous [?fe?m?s] adj. 著名的

  短语be famous for 因为……而出名;be known as作为……而出名

  【真句】He was famous for his shows on Food TV.【2012全国二阅读】他因为Food TV上的表演而出名。

  【真句】Virginia is famous as the birthplace of several presidents. Virginia作为几任总统的出生地而出名。

  同义词:well-known, noted; celebrated


  fame [?fe?m] n. 名誉,名声

  【真句】Brooks gained fame for several books.【2015湖北阅读】布鲁克斯因为几本书获得了名誉。

  同义词:reputation n. 名誉,名声

  fan [f?n] n. 迷,爱好者;风扇

  fancy [?f?ns?] v. 喜欢 n. 喜欢 adj. 漂亮的,豪华的

  【真句】I am not saying that those things are necessarily more important, but many donators have rushed into fancy programmes without carefully assessing the relative long-term costs and benefits of alternative uses of their money.【2019江苏】我并不是说这些东西一定更重要,但许多捐赠者都匆忙参加了别具一格的项目,而没有仔细评估其资金替代用途的相对长期成本和收益。

  【真句】Being the cautious type, I fancied a reliable brand.【2015浙江阅读】作为那种谨慎的人,我喜欢可靠的品牌

  【真句】Some of us used parts of those fancy paper napkins.【2014广东阅读】我们当中的一些人用部分漂亮的餐巾纸。

  短语:take a fancy to 喜欢;

  【真句】Surely as a woman she has simply taken a fancy to the place.【2013福建阅读】当然作为女性,她就是喜欢那个地方。

  fancy doing 喜欢做某事,想要做某事

  【真句】I don’t fancy going out tonight.【高考真句】我今晚不想出去。

  fantastic [f?n?t?st?k] adj. 极好的

  【真句】Her mother, Solio, is a first-time mum and she is doing a fantastic job. 【2021年6月全国甲卷】她的母亲索里奥是第一次当妈妈,她做得很出色。

  【真句】How could you turn down such a fantastic job when you have been out of work for months?【2014浙江】既然你已经事业几个月了,你怎么可以拒绝一个这么好的工作?

  fantasy [?f?nt?s?] n. 幻想;空想

  【真句】Imagination and fantasy can play an important role in achieving the things we fear.【2013广东阅读】


  【真句】The main purpose of the passage is to warn us not to get lost in the fantasy world.【2015重庆阅读】


  far [fɑ?] adj. 远的;adv. 远地

  【真句】I tried skateboarding there, but the locals were far less welcoming.【2021年6月全国甲卷】我在那里试过滑板,但当地人远没有那么热情。

  【真句】Scientists think the first interactions humans had with horses were far different from those today. 【2013北京阅读】科学家们认为人类与马的第一次互动远不同于今天。

  用法:far+比较级=much +比较级

  【真句】So music education is far more necessary than people seem to realize.【2014北京阅读】所以音乐教育远比人们意识到的重要。

  far from… 远非

  【真句】The best way to get rid of a negative serf-image is to realize that your image is far from objective.【2013广东阅读】摆脱消极的自我形象的最好方式就是要意识到你的形象远非客观的。

  fare [fe?] n. 票价

  【真句】Round trip fare is \$1.【2014天津阅读】全程票价为1美元

  farm [fɑ?m] n. 农场

  farmer [?fɑ?m?] n. 农民


  farther [?fɑ:e?] adj. 更远的; adv. 更远地;

  Once you find your own balance, you fly faster and farther without relying on them.【2015天津阅读】 一旦你掌握了自己的平衡你就可以不用依靠它们而走得更快更远。

  further [?f?:e?] adj. 更远的;进一步的 adv. 更远地;更进一步地

  For further information please call 0161 245 6609.【2015陕西阅读】要获得进一步信息请拨打:0161 245 6609

  fashion [‘f??n] n.时尚

  Besides, fashion magazines have almost abandoned the practice of putting models on the cover 【2013湖南阅读】此外,时尚杂志抛弃了将模特放在封面的做法。

  fashion的形容词形式:fashional adj. 时尚的

  fast [fɑ?st] adj. 快的,迅速的 adv. 快地,迅速地


  fasten [?fɑ?s?n] vt. 系,捆,绑

  She could put on her coat without help and not only fasten her own buttons but other children’s too. 【2013湖北阅读】他可以自己穿大衣,并且他不仅课扣自己的纽扣还可以帮别人扣纽扣。

  fat [f?t] n. 脂肪 adj. 胖的;肥的

  father [?fɑ?e?] n. 父亲

  fault [f??lt] n. 过错;故障;缺点,缺陷

  So, stop focusing on “whose fault it is.”【2015广东阅读】停止关注“这是谁的过错”

  The faults have already been found out in the education system.【2012上海完形】教育体系的缺陷已经被发现了。

  If you come across faults but you still want the bicycle, ask the shop assistant to reduce the price.【2015安徽】如果你发现自行车有故障但是还是想要,你可以让店员减价。

  用法:at fault 有过错,应当负有责任

  Perhaps the railway authorities are at fault for poor signaling system.【2015浙江阅读】也许铁路当局应当负有责任,因为信号系统具有问题。

  find fault with sb 挑某人的刺,找某人的茬

  Try not to find fault with your friends.【2012辽宁阅读】不要挑你朋友的刺。

  favour [‘feiv?] n. 恩惠 v. 更喜欢,偏爱

  I thought it was another chance to repay someone for the favour I’d been given decades earlier.【2013陕西阅读】我认为这是另一个机会去回几十年前别人所给我的恩惠。

  Yeats was not favored by the public until the 1923 Noble Prize.【2015重庆阅读】直到1923年的诺贝尔奖,叶芝才受到公众的喜爱。

  in favour of 支持,赞同

  Strangely enough, few head teachers seem to be in favour of mixed-ability school football teams. 【2012上海完形】非常奇怪的是,几乎没有班主任赞同能力不一的学校足球队。

  do sb a favour 帮某人一个忙

  Do your listeners a favour.【2012陕西阅读】帮你听众一个忙。

  favourable [‘fe?v?r?bl] adj. 有利的

  The environment was favorable to music teaching.【2012山东阅读】这个环境对教学有利。

  favourite [‘feiv?rit] adj. 最喜欢的 n. 最喜欢的东西


  fax [f?ks] n. 传真

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